Cajigo ‘the App’ is owned by Indigo RM Limited trading as Structur3dpeople and Cajigo. Indigo RM Limited is registered in the UK under company registration no. 9115722, whose registered office address is Redwood House, 65 Bristol Rd, Keynsham BS31 2WB. Any references to ‘Cajigo’, ‘the App’ ‘we’ ‘our’ or ‘us’ in this Privacy Policy also includes reference to Structur3dpeople and Indigo RM Limited and its sites. Reference to ‘Sites ‘Site’ ’sites’ or ‘site’ in this Privacy Policy and our Terms and Conditions means other applications, websites or materials belonging to Indigo RM Limited.
"you" or “You” means the person firm company or organisation using the App, and "your" or “Your” shall be construed accordingly.
“Candidate” “Mentee” or “Job Candidate” means an individual person using the App for their own personal career development and/or exploring or applying for job opportunities and includes schoolchildren and school advisors using the App as part of any Cajigo Schools Programme being delivered by us.
“Employer Customer” or “employer customer” means a commercial client searching for a job candidate or posting a job or a link to their own website for job candidates to contact them through the App.
“CV” means Curriculum Vitae and includes your personal profile or CV Builder on the App.
“Mentor” or “mentor” means an individual who volunteers to provide career development guidance to users of the App.
2.1 Cajigo takes the privacy of its users seriously. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect and use online data.
2.2 By using the App and any of its sites, you agree to the collection, use and transfer of your personal data as set out in this Privacy Policy.
2.3 You are under no obligation to use the App. If you do not want to have your information to be collected, used and transferred, you may revoke your consent to our Privacy Policy whenever you wish to do so, or simply not register to use the App. To revoke your consent go to Settings > Delete Account. Once the account is deleted, the personal data will be kept for 7 days on the current database. However, from a backed-up database, the details will be removed within 28 days from the account being deleted.
2.4 If you revoke your consent or delete the App, your account and profile information and any in App purchases you have made will be removed from our systems. Users will have to create a new account from the sign-up page to start again. If you delete the App in error it is your responsibility to inform us as soon as possible but we cannot guarantee your information will be retrieved.
2.5 Your information and data from the App is stored and backed up in the UK by our third-party software provider who have offices in the UK and India.
3.1 This privacy policy is intended for users of the App including Mentees, Mentors, job candidates and employer customers. The App has two platforms, one for over 18 users and one for under 18 users. To try and protect our under 18 users we do not allow access to the chat facilities, forums or feeds that are available to over 18 users.
3.2 This policy applies to information that we collect or use on the App and where relevant to sites owned or controlled by Indigo RM Limited and any of its affiliated businesses. Affiliated companies are those that control or are controlled by or under the common control of Indigo RM Limited.
3.3 Where we link you to other websites over which we have no control, we strongly advise you to read the terms and conditions and privacy policies of any third-party web sites or services that you visit. We are not responsible for the privacy policies terms and conditions or practices of other websites.
4.1 We use information that is necessary to provide our services, to respond to you, improve our services for the App and our sites and to try and provide you with a meaningful and useful user experience.
4.2 By accepting our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy and by registering your information on the App and managing your profile and settings and opting to provide information when given a choice to do so or not you have consented for us to use your information as follows:
i) to create your personal profile based on the information which you have provided and entered, has been collected or has been imported from other sites or applications such as Facebook, Twitter or other social media sites
ii) to provide you personalised, location-based content, services and advertising from us and third parties
iii) to allow you to contact other users as permitted by us
iv) to allow you to create your Curriculum Vitae (CV) and other information about yourself
v) to make in App purchases
vi) to make purchases through, invoicing or billing as a one off or as part of an ongoing payment cycle
vii) to get in touch with you about new updates, features and other information
viii) to provide you with information and communications such as emails, video content and careers information
ix) to provide you with information about any of our other services
x) to allow you to contact us and for us to respond to you
xi) to provide information about you to registered users
xii) to provide information about you as an employer customer to potential candidates
xiii) to provide you with advertisements from third parties
xiv) to allow us to stream or upload and share video content
xv) to enable employer customers using the App to contact you
xvi) to provide information about you and your potential availability or interest in job board postings to employer customers using the App
xvii) to provide notifications or push notifications about new job postings and events
xviii) to enable us to provide support and products to employer customers to aide them in their recruitment process
xix) to enable employer customers using the App to post information and to network with jobseekers
xx) to allow generation of internal reports for employer customers using the App
xxi) to enable us to generate materials and reports about trends from the App use
xxii) to allow you to share information about the App and about jobs with your connections to make them aware of the App and promote its use
xxiii) to allow you to share profile information with employer customers using the App
xxiv) to allow you to write group chats and blogs where permitted by us
xxv) to give access to public information via search engines
xxvi) to detect, investigate and prevent activities that are illegal or not in line with our usage policies
4.3 Our services, such as our candidate personal profile builder, and CV builder, job applications, job adverts, video, chat and blog features will enable third parties to see your personal information and to contact you if they are authorised to do so in the App.
4.4 Information that you provide whether directly or indirectly to us or third parties could be accessed, used, and stored outside of the European Economic Area. This may include storage of information in countries that might not have the same level of legislation and protection of personal information as in the UK. While we try our best to take steps to safeguard your information from unauthorized access or inappropriate use, we do not have any control over third parties and we are not responsible for their use or the protection of your information once you give it to them or they gain access to it.
4.5 If you are not completely happy to do so, you should not post sensitive information, personal or personality profiles, or any other information you would not want made public, onto the App or to a public website.
4.6 Our services include informing you of products, content, and advertising that we believe you may be interested in. We use the data we have about you to determine whether you might be interested in the opportunities, products or services of a third party. We show you content and advertisements online which may be targeted based on information we collect from you, such as your interests.
5.1 We collect information that is necessary for the App to be used effectively
5.2 We need to collect information directly from you such as your contact details including your name, country, region, date of birth, email and phone number, user profile information including a selfie image (where applicable) to try and help us prevent fake accounts being set up, and personal profile builder information. We receive and store this information when you enter it on the App or our sites or provide it to us in any other way. Examples of what information we may collect and depending on whether you are over 18 or under 18, a candidate, employer customer, or mentor includes:
i) Your age group, age, gender, ethnicity but only if you decide to provide it. The App may not allow you to progress to all the user screens or get the most out of its benefits and features if you decide not to provide some of the information but you are completely free to decide whether you wish to do so or not;
ii) Your education; qualifications; key skills; schools; universities; employers; home town and work status;
iii) Your parents, guardian, carer or school advisors email address if you are under the age of 16 so that we may confirm permission for you to use the App;
iv) Payment information for subscription or invoiced services, this may include billing information, credit card etc. for in App purchases. Please see section 10 below for more information about how our subscription services work
v) Information imported or created by you such as your CV on the profile builder, video content and connections from third party applications:
5.3 We may also collect information about you automatically about how you use the App or our sites, the areas of the App or site that you visit and information about your mobile device or computer which includes your IP address, location, browser, operating system and URLs. We use this information for the App to work and to provide you with more personalised and location specific content as well as for analysing information, trying to fix problems, preventing fraud, improving and supporting our services to you. We may combine this information with information in your App profile to help prevent fraud.
5.4 We may receive confirmations when you open the App or emails from us or you if your mobile device permits.
5.5 If you choose to sign in with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or similar sites, we import the requested mandatory information only, from your account and make it part of your profile. The App is intended to allow you to share your information and to allow others to contact you subject to your own chosen privacy settings. If you post or provide information on another user’s site or other site’s post, public availability of your information will be subject to the other user’s privacy settings which we have no control over.
6.1 The App provides you with the opportunities to offer information about yourself to help develop careers through mentoring others as a mentor, a mentee, applying for jobs and advertising job opportunities.
6.2 We must share your information with third parties to deliver our products and services to you. This includes third party hosting on web servers, including CV database and personal profile storage, analysis of data, providing us with necessary information, processing credit card or other types of payments, and providing customer service and technical support. These companies will have access to your personal information as necessary to perform their functions, but they shouldn't use that data for any other purpose.
6.3 We may disclose information to third parties if you consent. For example, by leaving push notifications ‘on’ in your App Settings, you may receive special notifications from us about potential employers and jobs that fit your work experience. If you receive a special notification from us you can reply to us. You can choose to switch notifications on or off using your phone settings.
6.4 If you make your CV and personal profile searchable on a public website or if we collect information you have made available on a public website then all parties with access to your CV or personal profiling will have access to your information; we have no control over your information made available by you on a public website.
6.5 For you to receive information about job opportunities, products, or services of third parties that you are interested in, we have to supply your contact information to those third parties, so they may contact you.
6.6 By applying for a job posted on the App job and providing your contact information to show your interest in a job, or by replying to a message from an employer customer, you consent to the disclosure of your information to that employer customer.
6.7 One of the services of the App is to provide new product offerings that could benefit you. We share aggregated information (including location data) about App users with third parties to show these offerings to you on the App. If you do not wish to receive these offerings in this way you should not use the App.
6.8 We may also aggregate candidate data such as qualifications, age group, experience level or other information you have provided. This aggregated data does not identify you individually and may be made available to prospective employer customers.
6.9 We must disclose information if legally required to do so or such action is necessary to meet legal requirements or comply with legal process; protect our rights or property or our affiliated companies; prevent a crime or protect national security; protect the personal safety of users or the public.
6.10. We may disclose and transfer information to a third party who acquires any or all of Indigo RM’s business whether such acquisition is by way of merger, consolidation or purchase of all or a substantial portion of the business. In addition, in the event Indigo RM becomes the subject of an insolvency proceeding, such information will be disposed of in a transaction approved by the court. You will be notified of the sale of all or a substantial portion of our business to a third party by email or through a prominent notice posted on one of our sites or the App.
7.1 You are responsible to ensure that the information you upload or provide is correct, accurate and not false. We are not responsible for ensuring the accuracy or correctness of any CV, your personal and personal profile information to you or to a prospective employer.
7.2 When you build your CV from our provided templates or profile summary, we store it in our database on cloud based servers. We cannot control the retention use or privacy of CVs that have been viewed, downloaded or saved by you or others. If you decide NOT to give access to your CV or other details to employer customers or save it to the database, you will still have access to the mentoring videos and mentoring features of the App.
7.3 We try hard to protect your information but cannot guarantee that other parties will not gain access. We cannot control the use of CVs by third parties who access your CV once it has been disclosed, we cannot retrieve it from the third parties who accessed it.
7.4 You may remove your CV and profile from our database at any time. Anyone who viewed your CV or profile may have kept a copy of it in their own files or databases. Accordingly, you should not put sensitive information, personality profiles, or other information you would not want made public, in your CV or profile unless you are happy to provide such information.
7.5 If you provide details of a Referee into the App, it is your responsibility to ensure that the person is aware that you have forwarded his/her details and has consented in writing for you to do so.
7.6 CVs or profiles that you may give to us by uploaded forms, emails or other methods should not contain sensitive data relating to your (a) racial or ethnic origin (b) political beliefs (c) philosophical or religious beliefs (d) membership of a trade union or political party (e) physical or mental health or biometric details or genetic makeup (f) addictions, sexual life (g) the commission of criminal offences or proceedings and associated penalties or fines, (h) the commission of any unlawful or objectionable conduct and associated penalties, (i) any Social Security Number or other national identification number (j) bank account or other financial details. If your CV or a profile given to us does contain this information, then you agree that it is at your own risk. We cannot control third parties’ access to such information from our database.
8.1 Your information and data from the App and our sites is stored and backed up by our UK based third-party App developer on cloud based servers. Information is also processed in it's India office.
8.2 We retain your personal information until you change or remove it. You may access, review, correct, update, change or delete your profile at any time by signing in to your account and make the desired changes.
8.3 Access to, correction, update, or deletion of your personal information may be denied or limited by us if it infringes another person’s rights and/or as otherwise permitted by applicable law.
8.4 If you wish to delete your account information altogether, please delete the App. We may retain and archive some records of this purely for regulatory or audit purposes.
8.5 We will respond to information access requests made in writing to us within 30 days of receipt. There is usually no fee payable but we can ask for a reasonable administration fee where permitted in accordance with guidance available from the UK Information Commissioners Office. We may also ask you to pay a reasonable fee if providing further copies of the same information. If we require additional time to provide access to your information, we will acknowledge receipt of your request within 30 days explaining why an extension is necessary and make best efforts to provide you with the information within a time-period which would be accepted by the UK Information Commissioner.
8.6 If you do not sign in to your account or interact with our services for a significant period as a candidate, then, based on guidance with the UK Information Commissioner, your account will be removed from our database. We will attempt to inform you before removing your details but if we are not able to contact you we will still remove your account.
9.1 You are solely responsible for keeping your username and password secret. You should not share this information. We will not contact you by email or telephone asking you for your password, credit card, banking or other similar private information.
9.2 We take measures to try to secure your personal information from accidental loss and from unauthorised access, use, alteration or disclosure. We cannot guarantee that unauthorised third parties will never be able to bypass these measures or use your personal information.
9.3 Your chats may be seen by employer customers and you should be aware that this could include your current employer. We cannot be held responsible for any action against you by current employers.
9.4 The App is not intended for use by children under the age of 11 or below Year 7 pupils in the UK or the equivalent of Year 7 pupils outside of the UK .
10.1 We use as our third party payment card services company.
10.2 By entering your card details on the App for subscription based services Stripe verifies the card details and authorises payment to us. We do not see store or record your card information on the App or on our servers or databases.
10.3 We will never contact you to ask for your bank or card details and you should not give these to anyone claiming to be from Us. We cannot be held responsible if you provide your card details to anyone other than under 10.1 and 10.2 above.
10.4 Subscription will renew automatically unless you choose to cancel automatic renewals. This can be done under the Settings and Subscription section of the App.
10.5 Your Cajigo subscribed digital content becomes available to you straight away once your payment has been accepted. By downloading, streaming or viewing any subscribed digital content within 14 days you consent to waive your 14 day cooling off period.
10.6 Subscription for 6 months allows you to watch up to 7 available videos. Subscription for 12 months allows you to watch up to 15 available videos. When your subscription ends you will no longer be able to access any subscribed content or subscribed services.
From time to time we may be required to make material changes to this Privacy Policy or any part of the App which will require you to update the App. It will be user’s responsibility to update the App and we will take NO responsibility, if the App is not updated.
Your data is submitted to our App developer Yellow Panther Ltd., a company registered in England and who are based in the UK and have offices in India. The data is hosted and stored on cloud based servers. If, at any time, you have questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please contact us through the App, or by post to:
The Data Protection Officer
Indigo RM Limited
Redwood House, 65 Bristol Rd, Keynsham BS31 2WB
We take the personal safety of young adults and children very seriously. If there is anything in this Privacy Policy or Terms and Conditions that you do not understand or are unsure about you should ask a responsible adult to go through them with you. If you are under 13 you should always do this. In addition to the above privacy policy we endeavour to safeguard younger users of the App as follows;
13.1 The under 18s App is a seperate platform to the over 18s App. You are not be permitted to use all of the features which are available to over 18 users. This includes those features such as group or one to one chat facilities with your Mentor or other users. You may only create snackables or blogs once content is approved by Us or your legal guardian, or school administrator.
13.2 There is no chat forum or discussion feed available for under 18 year olds in the App.
13.3 You MUST not share or disclose personal information such as your address or phone number and password. If you wish to submit a snackable or blog it will be supervised by your school administrator or submitted to us for approval first.
13.4 You MUST not share any personal matters of a sensitive nature relating to yourself or anyone else.
13.5 You must NEVER agree to providing your address or go to an address to meet anyone who contacts you claiming to be from the App or send them any images or photographs of yourself. You must never do this about someone you know either. You should let us know if this happens.
13.6 Mentors in the App should not be sent connection requests from under 18 users without our approval.
13.7 You MUST NEVER post any indecent photographs or images of yourself or anyone else. You must not post links to sites that contain indecent content. We will take appropriate action and may notify relevant authorities in such instances.
13.8 Please read our safeguarding policy which is available to read at or by requesting it from
We use cookies to personalise content and monitor performance, to provide app features and to analyse our traffic. We do not share information about your use on the app with any analytical partners. Please refer to our Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy for more information.
Last Updated June 2021